about me


Hi there! I’m Jami -wife to my best friend and photographer hubby, Ted. We married young in 2007, traveled the world a bit, came back and have since had 5 beautiful babies; Chase, Eisley, Shailo, Everly and Atlas (click here to read more about my family).

I now mostly mother. Raising up 3 little warrior-gentlemen-dreamers (that’s a guess, but with a daddy like theirs) and a sweet, fiery, confident little lady!

I’m obsessed with capturing little and big moments in our lives.

I tend to over share those moments :)

I love love love Essential Oils.

I am a lover of thrifting and repurposing thrifted items. 

I find creating therapeutic and try to make it a priority in my life, daily if I can.

If time allows, I love to share some of my creations with you!

I am a fighter – fighting depression and sometimes sharing bits and pieces of my journey along the way.

I also share a lot about the loss of our daughter Eisley and heartache that constantly follows.

I worry a lot about people’s feelings – about me and in general. I hope to never ever hurt anyone with a single word I write on this blog.

I hope to inspire others, especially momma’s, to create and to be true and authentic to themselves and who He’s made us to be.

For me, I keep Colour her {hope} blog for moments I want to remember forever and to hopefully encourage or inspire someone along the way.

This is me.

I’m so happy you’ve stopped by! Grab a cup of tea or coffee and stay a while,

– Jami Joann –

p.s. die-hard-grammar-lovin’ readers… I apologize ahead of time for I have a tendency to overuse exclamation points (also, parenthesis) and {sometimes} those little guys as well… among other horrible grammar mistakes… If you can manage, stay a while and hopefully sharing from my heart authentically will help ease the pain of such atrocities ;)

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